Talap Scholarship


Talap 2022


We are announcing Competition for the award of the Talap scholarship of the Corporate Fund “Social Development Fund” for Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Doctor of Education (EdD), Executive Doctor of Education (Executive EdD), Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) programs abroad (hereinafter – the Competition). 

The purpose of the Talap Scholarship (hereinafter – the Scholarship) is to provide targeted training of highly qualified and competitive personnel through the assistance of the Corporate Fund “Social Development Fund” (hereinafter – the Fund) in organizing and financing training programs providing for obtaining a master’s or doctoral degree in full–time and modular training or passing research and professional internships.


In awarding the Scholarship, priority will be given to the contestants in the following directions:

  • Physics and Space Exploration;
  • Oil, Mining, Geosciences and Resource Management;
  • Advanced Materials, Energy Systems, and Sustainable Development;
  • Robotics and Intelligent Systems;
  • Computer Engineering and Data Sciences;
  • Construction, Infrastructure, Transport Systems and SMART Cities;
  • Biomedicine, Neurosciences, and Clinical Sciences;
  • Anthropology, Sociology and History;
  • Eurasian Studies;
  • Education;
  • Finance, Markets and Governance;
  • Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

who have an invitation from leading foreign higher education institutions included in international academic rankings (QS World University Ranking, Times Higher Education, Academic Ranking of the World Universities, etc.).

Participation requirements

The Contestant must simultaneously meet the following requirements:

  1. To be an employee of the autonomous organization of education “Nazarbayev University” (hereinafter – the University) or the University Organization;
  2. To be a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan or have the status of “qandas”;
  3. To have at least 2 (two) years of cumulative work experience at the University and (or) the University Organization at the date of Application submission to study under the program, which provides for obtaining a doctoral degree of full–time and modular education in foreign universities (hereinafter – the Program). On the recommendation of the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Fund or the Chairman of the Board of the Fund for training under the Program, Applicants in exceptional cases may be admitted to the Competition without taking into account work experience at the University or University Organizations;
  4. To study according to the Program, in a specialty related to the activities of the University or the Organization of the University;
  5. To be enrolled in an academic training program with an indication of an individual study plan;
  6. To be recommended by the supervising and (or) the line manager of the structural division of the University or the University Organization with mandatory confirmation of the relevance of the proposed University Program, internship in a foreign organization or with mandatory confirmation of compliance with the international certification program of professional development of the Applicant’s activities;
  7. To have a written consent of the Supervisor about the willingness to interact with the Scholarship Holder under the PhD Program and conclude an Agreement, in case of awarding the Talap scholarship;
  8. To have the written consent of the head of the University or the University Organization to send the Applicant to study under the Program.

Scholarship expenses

The scholarship includes the following expenses:


  1. Tuition fees;
  2. Funds to provide food, accommodation, purchase of educational literature for the period of study under the Program (according to the Cost Rate for determining the size of the Scholarship by country (see attachment);
  3. Visa processing (consular fee) or visa extension;
  4. Mandatory fees of the country of study to be paid when studying under the Program, medical insurance of the Scholarship Holder, transportation costs and registration fees for participation in conferences related to the individual study plan under the Program and other expenses;
  5. For full–time study programs – travel from Nur-Sultan to the place of study and back 1 (one) once during the academic year; for modular training Programs – travel from Nur-Sultan to the place of study on the basis of an agreed individual study plan or academic calendar in accordance with the contract, until the successful completion of the training Program.
  6. Expenses related to evacuation or medical assistance to the scholarship holder who is in the host country in emergency cases of earthquakes, floods, fires, typhoons, military operations).

Selection criteria

  • The total work experience of the Participant of the Competition at the University or University Organizations;
  • Awards related to the professional activity of the Participant of the Competition in the field of activity of the University or University Organizations;
  • Availability of an additional type of training financing (full or partial grant from a foreign university or a foreign organization).

At the same time, the Competition Commission may approve additional criteria for the consideration of applications.

Package of documents

The full package of documents should be scanned in color format in one file in PDF format and must be provided in English and includes the following:

  1. Application form (see attachment) and Applicant’s resume;
  2. Copies of documents confirming the Applicant’s enrollment for academic studies at the university. The original documents are provided after the award of the Scholarship;
  3. Individual study plan according to the Program (except for the first semester for first-time travelers);
  4. A letter of recommendation certified by the supervising and (or) line manager of the structural division of the University or the University Organization;
  5. Written consent of the Supervisor on the readiness of interaction with the Applicant for the PhD Program;
  6. Written consent of the head of the University or the University Organization to send the Applicant to study under the Program;
  7. A copy of the identity card and passport;
  8. A copy of the official documents on the completion of the bachelor’s/master’s degree program in Kazakhstan or outside the Republic of Kazakhstan (diploma and transcript issued by a foreign higher education institution). A notarized copy is provided after the award of the Scholarship;
  9. List of scientific publications or educational/methodological/scientific developments (if available);
  10. The cost table of the Competition (see attachment) is filled in by the Applicant according to the Cost Rate to determine the size of the Scholarship by country (see attachment);
  11. Other documents related to the Applicant’s professional activity (at the request of the Applicant).

Application Expenses

Talap Scholarship Rules

Norms of expenses


The full package of documents can be checked by representative of the Corporate Fund “Social Development Fund” (office 1204B, Block 1), and signed document should be submitted through the website fund.nu.edu.kz until 4 p.m., July 15, 2022  

For more information, please call: 8 (7172) 70 91 23 (Madina Karimova)  or email sdftalap@nu.edu.kz

Application to fill out



Talap scholarship was introduced in 2012 to provide professional development for employees and teachers at the Nazarbayev University. This scholarship allows young specialists of the University and its organizations to continue their studies under the master’s program, doctoral Ph.D., and postdoctoral studies. After undergoing training at leading world universities, all fellows return to the University community and apply the knowledge and skills acquired, including replenishing the faculty ranks.

Who can apply for a scholarship?

Employees of the University and its organizations with more than two years of experience who independently entered a foreign university under a program related to the priority activities of Nazarbayev University or its organizations.

What do we offer?

The fund provides an opportunity for employees of Nazarbayev University to receive postgraduate education with further training at the University and its organizations.


At a Glance

Since 2012-2022, 61 employees received Talap scholarship


Doctors of PHD (3 of them continue their education)


Master students




Post Doc

Need more details?

Write to us, we will be happy to help you!