

The Social Development Fund of Nazarbayev University is a non-profit organization created to support social innovation, provide free financial, informational, administrative, and organizational assistance to its target audiences.

The Fund’s purpose is to develop Kazakhstani society in educational, research, scientific and technical, social, cultural, charitable, innovative, and other socially useful spheres.

The target audiences of the Fund are students, employees of Nazarbayev University and its organizations, non-profit organizations and society in general.

Since 2012, the Fund has successfully implemented many programs to ensure a favorable environment to promote quality education for young people, the development of academic and scientific activities of employees, as well as the formation of social, scientific initiative among students and alumni of Nazarbayev University.

Furthermore, the Fund contributes to the development of student self-government by supporting initiatives to improve students’ the professional and personal skills, maintain a healthy lifestyle and inclusive education.

We intend to implement this goal through a new direction of work – Impact Investments, which will allow us to contribute directly to solving problems of society and the environment through socially transformative entrepreneurial projects. 

From sponsorship to social innovation

Research activities & Talap Scholarship

Sponsorship of research activities of teachers of Nazarbayev University (to 2017)

Talap Scholarship for Professional Development of Nazarbayev University Employees (to date)


Housing program

Housing program for Nazarbayev University employees (up to 2019)


Administration of the Student Fund

Administration of the Nazarbayev University Student Fund (to date)


Astana Business Campus & the Fund's institutional changes

Project Office «Astana Business Campus»

The beginning of the Fund's institutional changes


Grants, Scholarships and Support Program

Grants, Scholarships and Support Program for Nazarbayev University Students


NU Alumni, YRA, KERA, Science Park Astana Business Campus

Support for the activities of public associations of Nazarbayev University communities - NU Alumni, YRA, KERA (to the present) Project «Science Park Astana Business Campus»



Launch of the grant competition for social projects #SDFGRANTS2020

Мeasures to prevent the spread of COVID-19


First grants for social entrepreneurship projects

The training program "Jas Camp"


Research activities & Talap Scholarship

Sponsorship of research activities of teachers of Nazarbayev University (to 2017)

Talap Scholarship for Professional Development of Nazarbayev University Employees (to date)


Housing program

Housing program for Nazarbayev University employees (up to 2019)


Administration of the Student Fund

Administration of the Nazarbayev University Student Fund (to date)


Astana Business Campus & the Fund's institutional changes

Project Office «Astana Business Campus»

The beginning of the Fund's institutional changes


Grants, Scholarships and Support Program

Grants, Scholarships and Support Program for Nazarbayev University Students


NU Alumni, YRA, KERA, Science Park Astana Business Campus

Support for the activities of public associations of Nazarbayev University communities - NUAlumni, YRA, KERA (to the present) Project «Science Park Astana Business Campus»



Launch of the grant competition for social projects #SDFGRANTS2020

Мeasures to prevent the spread of COVID-19


First grants for social entrepreneurship projects

The training program "Jas Camp"


Research activities & Talap Scholarship

Sponsorship of research activities of teachers of Nazarbayev University (to 2017)

Talap Scholarship for Professional Development of Nazarbayev University Employees (to date)


Housing program

Housing program for Nazarbayev University employees (up to 2019)


Administration of the Student Fund

Administration of the Nazarbayev University Student Fund (to date)


Astana Business Campus & the Fund's institutional changes

Project Office «Astana Business Campus»

The beginning of the Fund's institutional changes


Grants, Scholarships and Support Program

Grants, Scholarships and Support Program for Nazarbayev University Students


NU Alumni, YRA, KERA, Science Park Astana Business Campus

Support for the activities of public associations of Nazarbayev University communities - NUAlumni, YRA, KERA (to the present) Project «Science Park Astana Business Campus»



Launch of the grant competition for social projects #SDFGRANTS2020
Мeasures to prevent the spread of COVID-19


First grants for social entrepreneurship projects

The training program "Jas Camp"