Funding beneficiary
Orazymbetova Zhuldyz Nazarbayev University Librarian
Target group
Librarians and secondary school students
Project budget
812 000 tenge
Project in Instagram
Project purpose
To build the knowledge, skills and abilities of school librarians and students in Akmola Region in the area of media and information literacy (MIL) and inclusion.
Project description
NU librarian Zhuldyz Orazymbetova defended the “Sauatty Keleşek” project, aiming to build knowledge, skills and abilities of school librarians, students in Akmola Region in the field of media and information literacy and inclusion.
Zhuldyz wants to introduce media and information literacy, inclusion in the learning process with the school librarian as a trainer, and improve the skills and knowledge of school librarians and students in Akmola Oblast, the Republican Scientific-Pedagogical Library.
Zhuldyz Orazymbetova also intends to develop materials and webinars based on the defined level of the target group. The project initiator plans to introduce a definition of the target group’s initial level of media and information literacy and their level of knowledge about inclusion, and materials and webinars will also be developed based on the defined level of the target group.