


Funding beneficiary

Alexander Andryukov Nazarbayev University Library Employee

Target group

Students and librarians at higher education institutions

Project budget

334 800 tenge

Project in Instagram

Project purpose

To promote cooperation on information literacy between Kazakhstani higher education institutions.

Project description

Equally important is the problem of information and media literacy. NU librarian Aleksandr Andryukov intends, through the InfoSauattylyq project, to improve the media and information literacy knowledge and skills of university students and librarians, enabling them to excel in the academic environment. In turn, librarians will strengthen cooperation in the field of media and information literacy skills to develop academic integrity.

The target group is students and librarians of the following universities:

1. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
2. NARXOZ University3. S. Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University.
3. M.Kh. Dulati Taraz Regional University
4. A.Baitursynov Kostanay Regional University
5. M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University
6. Nazarbayev University JSC
