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Call for proposals for social project and social entrepreneurship!

The Nazarbayev University Social Development Fund is pleased to announce the Call for proposals for the JAS Social Impact grant competition among the Nazarbayev University Community and Nazarbayev Intellectual School graduates. 

The Call for proposals includes social projects and social entrepreneurship projects aimed at solving the problems of society in Kazakhstan. 

If you have ideas on how to improve the life around you, if you want to make your business social or become a social entrepreneur, JAS Social Impact is for you! The competition will be held in several stages and will include an educational component, obtaining business skills by participants within the JAS Camp, working with mentors.

Funding will be available in three types:

  • Social Project Grant – up to 1,000,000 tenge
  • Social Entrepreneurship Grant – up to 5,000,000 tenge
  • Social Invest – up to 10,000,000 tenge

If you are not familiar with the concept of “social entrepreneurship,” we have prepared for you several useful resources and recordings of zoom webinars conducted for NU Community here.

You will receive valuable prizes, starting with the application at all stages of the Call for proposals in exchange for the stars that the Fund will assign to active participants. 

More information about the Call for proposals is here.