The Social Development Fund
Non-profit organization created to support social initiatives of the Nazarbayev University community
Students received support from the SDF
People attended events sponsored by the SDF
Students received SDF's grants to study at NU
Employees are scholars of the Talap program; 22 of them are PhD
Social entrepreneurship
Grants and Scolarship
About us
The Social Development Fund of Nazarbayev University is a non-profit organization created to support social innovation, provide free financial, informational, administrative, and organizational assistance to its target audiences.
The Fund's purpose is to develop Kazakhstani society in educational, research, scientific and technical, social, cultural, charitable, innovative, and other socially useful spheres.
Since 2012, the Fund has successfully implemented many programs to ensure a favorable environment to promote quality education for young people, the development of academic and scientific activities of employees, as well as the formation of social, scientific initiative among students and alumni of Nazarbayev University.