Равные – разные
Funding beneficiary
Target group
Children with special educational needs/their parents in Zhitikara, School teachers.
Project budget
954 000 KZT
Project in Instagram
Project purpose
Creation of the Resource Center of Inclusive Education on the basis of secondary school No. 12 in Zhitikara, Kostanay region.
Project description
It so happened that Zhitikara in the north of the country has no inclusive center. And there are almost 300 children with special needs. Anastassiya found out about it from social networks and decided that the beginning should be made now. Thanks to the Dara Foundation and the Social Development Fund, Anastassiya began a project to launch inclusion in Zhitikara, she agreed with the administration of school No. 12 to create a center on their basis, training teachers and supporting parents to work on the development of their child at home. Initially the center will provide classes for specialists, parents, and children, and then will move on to full-fledged general education programs. Anastassiya is right – no one should be deprived of inclusion.
Expected results
Promoting an inclusive society by supporting schools, educators, families, and children in accepting children with special educational needs.