It's okay
Funding beneficiary
Daniya Yarullina
Target group
Teenagers and parents of Astana and Almaty.
Project budget
1 000 000 KZT
Project in Instagram
Project purpose
Increase sexuality education through workshops for parents and teenagers.
Project description
When, as a high school student, Daniya took on a project on sex education for teenagers as part of the school curriculum, many people reacted ambiguously. She did not find like-minded people at the time. But it was the factor of reluctance to speak openly on such a topic, its unspoken taboo that caught the consciousness of Daniya. Some time later, when she was already studying at university, she returned to the topic of sex education in the Gender Schole program and realized it should be done more to educate people, especially parents. Often adults remain closed on such issues, and this has a negative impact on the behavior of teenagers. Statistics for 2020 show that about 5,000 girls in Kazakhstan became pregnant at age 16-18, and a quarter of them decided to have an abortion without realizing the damage this could do to their reproductive health in the future. Personal boundaries, norms of sexual behavior, unacceptability of harassment in any form – these and many other topics are covered by the Daniya’s team, striving to make their impact on the development of a healthy, open and full society of Kazakhstanis.
Expected results
As a result of the project, participants will increase their knowledge of sexuality education, which in the future will promote a careful attitude towards their mental, physical and reproductive health. Parents’ participation in the project will increase their skills in sex education of their children, which will positively affect the development of trusting child-parent relationships.