In Qazaq (IQ)
Funding beneficiary
Zharylkasyn Beibit Student at the School of Engineering and Digital Sciences, NU, 3rd year
Target group
Schoolchildren and students aged 18-24
Project budget
972 000 tenge
Project in Instagram
Project purpose
To make world knowledge in science, history, literature and psychology more accessible to a Kazakh-speaking audience.
Project description
Beibit Zharylkasyn, a third-year student at NU’s School of Engineering and Digital Sciences, presented the In Qazaq (IQ) project. The project’s main aim is to make world literature in science, history, literature and psychology more accessible and clear to a Kazakh-speaking audience. He chose schoolchildren and students aged 18 to 24 as his target audience.
According to the project leader, he intends to create a popular platform on YouTube, where everyone has access to visually aesthetically pleasing, high-quality videos with interesting content in the Kazakh language.
To implement the project, it is planned to purchase equipment for filming video clips for the channel. Three volunteers will be recruited to handle the content: a translator, an editor and the editor-in-chief for quality translation of the material. The team now consists of 18 people.