KokMaisa 2.0
Funding beneficiary
Zhanar Kulzhanova
Target group
Residents of Zhibek Zholy village.
Project budget
1 000 000 KZT
Project in Instagram
Project purpose
Pilot launch of a social recycling enterprise involving rural residents, the villagers.
Project description
Zhanar is an environmentalist with strong convictions that the current waste situation can be changed by the cyclical nature of the production industries and waste recycling. Simply put, everything that is produced should go into secondary, tertiary, generally reusable recycling. And in order for us to come to this principle faster, people must see the economic sense in it. In order to convince others by own example that it is possible, Zhanar and the adherents have decided to organize a mini-shop on plastic recycling in the suburbs of the capital and to involve local residents in the enterprise. This provides additional jobs, and creates the right eco-approach to the village’s garbage policy. We are happy to wait for the results of the project, as the prerequisites for it are encouraging. Zhanar is participating in the Jas Social Impact contest for the second time and has good experience of working with the public on issues of ecologization of the way of life of Kazakhstani people. Therefore, Kokmaisa 2.0.
Expected results
In Zhibek Zholy Auyly a model of social enterprise for the collection and recycling of SMW will be created with the involvement of rural residents, including from among the socially vulnerable groups.